The facts on juicing cannabis
Like many dark-green leafy vegetables, cannabis leaves, stems, stalks, roots, and seeds (like hemp seeds) can provide most of the essential nutrients required by the body. This includes carbohydrates, protein, fat, water, vitamins, minerals and calcium, sodium, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids. But what makes cannabis juicing slightly more interesting than other vegetables is its phytocannabinoid content.
Scientific Evidence Show a Linear Correlation between Cannabis Use and Increased Sexual Desire
The “infamous” plant called Cannabis sativa (Cannabis) could do many wonders to your libido. Studies have shown both aspects - arousal and sexual health - of weed use of both men and women recently.
Skin Health and Cannabis: What’s the Connection?
Ever wonder how your skin is affected if you are a cannabis user? As we all know, there are many ways to use cannabis. The delivery methods could be either orally, via inhalation, or external application. This blog will explore the good and bad effects of using cannabis, specifically on the skin, based on a different delivery.
Total Cannabis Legalization- Will We Get There?
We are seeing more support of Cannabis within communities, in state governments, and seeing lawmakers speaking out in support of federal Cannabis legalization- total legalization. A government in support of their people and their well-being would never place a plant, an herb- on the same schedule as Heroin.
Early Signs of Spring at Arcanna Flowers!
Take a look at some of the beautiful flowers that are popping up at the farm! Spring is getting closer and we are excited!